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Why Should You Choose a 12g CO2 Cartridge?
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Why Should You Choose a 12g CO2 Cartridge?

Views: 982     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-29      Origin: Site

Why Should You Choose a 12g CO2 Cartridge?

Are you one of those people who love going on shooting trips with their friends, are always interested in owning the best air guns, and love to stock up on some cartridge for shooting purposes? A 12g CO2 cartridge is carbon dioxide that is compressed inside a cylinder tank. It helps power an air gun, and for many air gun enthusiasts, it creates a fun, mess-free, and accessible shooting experience. Moreover, the 12G CO2 cartridge has become the common standard in the air gun industry for a while now.It will help you enjoy shooting once you have understood what the basics are and how they work too.

Air pistol shooting

About 12g CO2 cartridges

12g CO2 Powerlet cartridges, commercially known as CO2 chargers, are developed by Crosman in 1954. Each Powerlet cartridge contains 12g CO2 in the liquid/gas balance. Why is there a liquid?I'll explain it below.

The cartridge is made of stainless steel, and it is topped with a thin welding cap. When the top of the cylinder is pierced, the CO2 expands rapidly, pressurizing the air pistol and providing sufficient power.These disposable cartridges offer great convenience in your paintball shooting, easy to carry, easy to operate, and easy to handle.

CO2 cartridges

What is the pressure of a 12g CO2 cartridge PSI?

There are many people who are new to air guns and are unable to understand how the 12g CO2 cartridge works. Keep in mind that both the temperature and pressure work together to create a shot for the air gun. The pressure or PSI refers to the state when the CO2 is compressed into gas and converted into liquid. It is the exact point where the correct pressure is achieved. 12g CO2 Cartridge has a pressure limit of around 852.8, which is the minimum, and the pressure can go up to 900.

12g CO2 cartridge PSI

At what temperature do carbon dioxide cartridges explode?

Carbon dioxide cartridges are like little cans of highly compressed cylinders that are filled with liquid carbon dioxide. As soon as the heat available in the air warms the carbon dioxide cartridge, the warmth that is created causes the carbon dioxide liquid to boil back into a gas. Once the temperature crosses 87.9 degrees or more, the pressure of the gas increases along with the temperature, and if the carbon dioxide cartridge gets too hot, it can lead to an explosion.

CO2 cartridge explosion temperature

Is a 12-gram carbon dioxide cylinder dangerous?

Carbon dioxide is compressed and liquefied as a gas that is stored in steel and aluminum cylinders for shipping and storage purposes. These cylinders can easily be placed in an upright position, and they also have an opening on top for easier access. These cylinders are used for various purposes that include indoor agriculture, science and medical facilities, beer carbonation, and refrigeration. 12-gram carbon dioxide cylinders can be dangerous if not handled with proper care and precautions. Do not leave the cylinders somewhere that they overheat, and always connect the cylinder to the reducing valve or regulator. If you fail to do so, an explosion can occur, which can lead you to death.

Internal section of 12g CO2 cartridges

Is the carbon dioxide cylinder full of liquid?

For storage purposes, carbon dioxide is compressed and liquefied as a gas. When carbon dioxide is in bulk, it is usually stored as a liquid in multiple storage tanks for ease of shipping. As carbon dioxide is colorless, the liquid cannot be seen, and under the pressure of 5.1, carbon dioxide has no liquid state. When there is a high concentration, the gas had a sharp, acidic odor along with a liquid state.

12g CO2 cartridges (2)

How long can the CO2 cartridge be used? 

If you refer to the use of air guns, then there are multiple factors involved that determine the use of a CO2 Cartridge and how long it will last. In general, a 12gCO2 cartridge can deliver between 30 to 200 shots of an air gun, but all of this depends on the temperature, canister size, valve settings, and the shooting pace. For example, if you are shooting in very cold temperatures, then your gun might freeze, so you will get fewer shots. However, if the temperature is warm, then there are chances of better and increased shots.  

Read the Alizee Blog : How Many Shots Can You Get From a CO2 Cartridge?

12g CO2 cartridges shot times

Do Co2 cartridges expire?Is there any special care required to store a 12g CO2 cartridge?  

Unpunctured cartridges can be stored for a long time, and according to studies, correctly stored cartridges lose almost no CO2 over a period of 3-6 years!  
When storing a 12gCO2 cartridge, you might need to take care of a few things. Ensure that they are stored in a well-ventilated area and are away from high areas of traffic. Do not store them in a wet or hot place, but they should be placed in a continuously cool and dry environment. Never enclose them near something electrical as they could become a part of some current.  

Store 12g CO2 cartridges

A final reminder, after enjoying the fun of shooting, be sure to use air gun oil to maintain your air gun. Air gun oil can effectively prevent your air guns from drying and the seals from drying out. If the seal is damaged, you will waste a lot of CO2, resulting in underpowered air gun! 

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